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Learning and Development

Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders (FASD)

Are you caring for a child who is, or you suspect is, affected by FASD?

Children with FASD have complex needs and require FASD-informed support in order to learn, communicate and thrive.

The National Organisation for Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders (NOFASD) Australia is the oldest established FASD organisation in Australia. Founded and led by parents and carers for more than 20 years. NOFASD has been delivering workshops to community organisations for nearly 10 years. Feedback is consistently positive, with over 95% of participants who completed this workshop stating that they would recommend it.

This workshop will support carers’ knowledge of:

  • Description of FASD and its types
  • Myths about FASD
  • Effects of FASD on the individual
  • Challenges for individuals living with FASD
  • Responding to individuals living with FASD
  • Basic strategies for support and learning

The session is designed for kinship, foster and permanent carers.

tel:03 9614 1577

Learning and Development Sessions

Carer Kafe offers free online and in person sessions for Victorian kinship, permanent and accredited foster carers.

Emotional Intelligence and the importance of emotion coaching kids in care – Part 2

Thank you for submitting your registration to attend Emotional Intelligence and Emotion Coaching Anger – Part 2 training through Carer…
Online Zoom
| Thu 13 Mar

Youth Mental Health First Aid

Thank you for submitting your registration to attend Youth Mental Health First Aid a 2-day workshop, through Carer Kafe. If…
| Fri 16-17 May

Creative Art & Self-Care 18th March

You are now registered to attend Creative Art and Self-Care training through Carer Kafe. Online Microsoft Teams Link: Join the…
Online Zoom
| Tue 18 Mar